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Comments (8)

Allyn - 11 June 15:33

Suavite, j’adore son corps. Appeler, caresse ma chatte seul avec vous, et moi ennuyeux.

Kinan - 2 December 23:30

Nous vous garantissons une satisfaction maximale avec ces putains! Tendre mignonne, attends poumon rencontres pour les plaisirs sexuels.

Delfina - 13 July 20:56

Best sucking ive ever seen

Entwistle - 21 October 12:39

I think the first question is: Does the person have the capacity to give informed consent? Do they understand what they are consenting to and the risks/benefits? For some people the answer will be yes, for others, no. Another consideration is power imbalances. For example, I would say that it is unethical for a caretaker to have sex with a client because of the power imbalance in that relationship.

Admin - 8 April 09:50

Fuck the bitch hard
