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Comments (5)

Girard - 3 February 17:15

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Lyndsay - 14 September 17:13

Vous recevrez de tels services sexuels: Anal, Striptease.

Jeri - 30 July 19:37

Losing weight will technically make your penis longer because there's a pad of public fat or something that makes it appear shorter than it is. It's obviously going to depend how much weight you've got to lose though. If you've got quite a bit of weight to lose, it makes a bigger difference. But obviously we're talking half inch to an inch and not something ridiculous like all of those dick enhancements claim.

John - 20 January 17:59


Peralto - 9 August 03:56

the red haired girls! they are horny! Im thinking of the wife of my neightbor
