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Comments (7)

Wally - 25 May 13:50

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Nivison - 7 February 05:12

Environ 80 personnes ont été exécutées en public dans sept villes nord-coréennes, rapporte lundi un quotidien du Sud.

Shawn - 23 October 11:29

Referring to cumstains as sea foam is pretty damn poetic, though.

Olesen - 6 October 15:57

My friend is to scared to masturbate. he says he will only have sex for kids, he is scared sex is some horrible thing because he hasn't learned about it. I told him he might be an a-romantic, but he kept telling me he was straight and he kept thinking i was calling him gay.

Dama - 5 March 13:13


Eugena - 23 December 04:54

Tnk u and merry xmas to you.
