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Comments (2)

Galen - 28 May 13:07

Reve avec un grand plaisir passer loisirs societe chaud beaute. Je suis heureux de pret aider qualitativement passer du temps.

Carlise - 2 January 12:42

Réforme des retraites, escalade Etats-Unis-Iran, procès Weinstein

Hanna - 8 February 07:05

all her ex white boyfriends must be real sad ... ha ha wait until they see her with her black

Devorah - 23 December 06:48

yeah, she's super fat like most american women.

Etta - 26 December 04:25

Simply simply stunning. Like a fine wine that needs to be fucked

Upole - 24 February 10:14

I would encourage review of the science behind the cheek swab recommended in this video. Pharmacogenetics is an important emerging technology, however the majority of the available tests have not been validated in clinical trials. The tests can identify genes correlated with enzyme activity, but there are only a few examples where these tests accurately predict which medications with have a clinically significant impact. Keep up the good work, but please ensure your recommendations are based on solid evidence.
