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Comments (10)

Albu - 23 June 20:03

Seduction kitty cherche mec pour le intime communication!

Colasamte - 8 July 06:04

Aidez-nous à améliorer encore notre service en répondant à notre enquête. La menace terroriste est chronique sur le territoire égyptien.

Dusty - 17 November 09:26

When I saw the video in defense of your daughters position I was very impressed with the metered delivery you provided to a very parent sensitive issue.В Your daughter's vocal cameo further increased the importance of this subject.В I am not surprised the video was picked up by the news media. There is so little clear, concise, well presented material is plays like a breath of fresh air

Nestor - 14 November 05:54

I took a human sexuality course a few semesters ago and the class was a mix of psychology and biology. And the meatus was never covered, I was always curious about I don't pee out of my vagina, right? right? So, this was super informative and helpful, thank you.
