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Comments (9)

Petrich - 26 May 16:07

On vous propose un moment inoubliable en notre compagnie pour rever, delirer, s'evader. Moi et ma copine on vous invite a venir passer un tres bon moment avec deux belles jeunes filles. Service de qualite .

Violette - 23 January 20:41

About[ edit ] If your password is on this list of 10, most common passwords, you need a new password.

Gavin - 6 November 21:46


Edison - 15 August 09:07

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Bryon - 16 May 22:34

Dr. Doe, you are so wonderful and I really enjoy these videos. It's great to hear and learn about sex and relationships in an intellectual way that doesn't feel sterile and clinical. You're video on crushing has been my all time favorite and has helped me understand how I feel. I have even begun sharing that video with my friends who struggle with understanding their own crushes. I also share it with people that I do have crushes on as support in the event I'm not clear with what that actually means.

Eleanor. Age: 24
Noelia. Age: 28
Vitalia. Age: 19
