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Comments (2)

Attaway - 30 January 11:45

Souhaiter avec plaisir passer temps entoure magnifique chatons. Je suis heureux de pret aider detendre.

Jeri - 25 October 17:12

Comparatif Rencontre Coquine.

Wessner - 1 November 18:06

Love love love. keep them coming

Tosha - 22 December 11:32

I bet when you get it sucked it must be amazing!

Katzaman - 19 December 20:03

I think she is talking about pthalates, so close on the spelling! Simply put, they are chemicals found in plastics, especially bendy or squishy plastics (also probably latex condoms that tend to leach out over time. Mounting evidence is showing they can imitate or mess with your hormones, which could cause a host of problems. This doesn't quite seem to fit the context of what she was talking about, though, so I may be wrong.

Laganga - 25 October 17:02

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