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Comments (10)

Mcglocklin - 30 October 16:32

Veux baise-toi dans son doux lit, moi seul tres solitaire sans toi!

Verlene - 30 September 07:53

Menu Publier?

Jasmin - 10 September 05:41

You haven't even been to Mangaia and you have the cheek to talk smack about my people. How ignorant you are and please you are making americans look bad and I love american people. I'm from this island and none of this history exist but James Cook raping and murdering innocent lives. To be honest you look like a descendant. No one on my island know's you but they wish to see you in person. Then we will see how much knowledge you have.lolz

Nygaard - 24 March 17:36

Thank you for making me never wanting to listen to Queen in public again.

Monte - 7 June 19:17

Uh sto je socna buckica... odvalio bih joj tu dlakavu picu
