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Comments (2)

Hodgens - 8 April 23:14

Hot la fille avec de douces formes pantalon, montez le telephone et appeler!

Giagni - 12 December 07:10

Cette collection épouse les corps dans des pièces aux motifs floraux — full over dentelle. Composez la garde-robe idéale pour célébrer les fêtes, du moment le plus intime au plus festif.

Helper - 21 March 07:56

Search The Great Porn Experiment: Gary Wilson at TEDxGlasgow. Super interesting! So it's a good thing you don't watch porn much! :P

Del - 8 March 19:26

I like your videos, but this one is seriously whacked. I'm very atypical, think outside the box, visionary, yada yada, but what in the world kind of relationship is that where I have sex with her once and she has sex with others five times for the six times a week negotiated solution? Seriously? That is nuts. You can call it an open relationship if you want, but that is not a relationship. Some new higher enlightenment? Not.
