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Comments (3)

Bibi - 28 March 06:02

Passionne bebe, attends communes rencontres sexe. Maintenant tape mon numero de telephone et viens dans la chambre, et viens a vous, Je ferai tout, comme tu le dis!

Robbie - 24 June 07:06

Ici plus bellissima putes: chic et mince poupées et soignée putains.

Dewindt - 6 October 04:43

she's really hot to me. I love her breasts all wet with the shirt. big turn on

Nivison - 9 May 23:07

9 Anika A

Eve - 7 May 17:10

The ~two weeks beforehand is when an ovary release an egg and it travels down the fallopian(sp? tube to the uterus to meet or not meet a sperm cell. If it doesn't meet a sperm cell then the uterine lining is shed because it doesn't need to stick around to act as a home for the zygote. But this is if you aren't on a hormonal birth control, then it's a whole different story and the period you have isn't even real. (Trust me, that actually makes sense when you understand it Yay knowledge! :)
