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Comments (3)

Latricia - 10 January 11:08

Bloque mes photos, doute, craignons. Ici ne pas oublier penser, conseiller aujourd’hui rencontre et passer agreablement soiree, plaisir toi garantis!

Providencia - 30 June 22:31

Avant dimanche, peu de personnes, même les passionnés de football, le connaissaient.

Detro - 13 October 21:53

I've been crushing and squishing on people left and right the past year or two. It's been exhausting because I've been trying to figure out what it MEANT. Am I lonely? Should I pursue a relationship? This video has relieved a lot of tension from my mind and I'm super grateful. Thank you Dr. Doe, because I REALLY needed this.

Jonnie - 12 December 11:46

What if the barriers all are related to physical discomfort/pain upon entry?

Johnie - 18 February 17:47

The perfume analogy doesn't work with school dress codes. The clothing girls wear because it's fuckin hot outside doesn't actually cause chemical allergic reactions in boys. It's just another way for society to remind girls and women that they are inferior and their education is worth less than that of a boy or man's.
