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Comments (7)

Seliba - 1 August 23:44

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Brosky - 15 May 07:19

Si votre femme a mal à la tête, vous pouvez venir nous voir. Reve avec plaisir passer loisirs societe magnifique chatons.

Antich - 29 June 13:28

Most of the time, I try to go before and after sex. Going before helps me make sure I won't have to during sex (which I hate feeling), and simultaneously reminds me to drink a little water beforehand. Also, it's a good habit to have just in case the sex goes on for longer than I might anticipate, but if I can't go before, I always make sure I do afterward.

Phebe - 21 July 09:17

Great body. Very Nice boobs. Nice pussy.

Bryon - 10 September 12:27

Hott bitch
