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Comments (10)

Medak - 20 February 15:04

Passionne putain recherche homme pour le chaud communication!

Turso - 17 June 12:41

Repose-toi de la bousculade et du stress du jour quotidien. Réalise tes rêves!

Patrick - 17 October 19:19

Vaginal orgasm is the stimulation of the internal clitoris the skenes glans (which are located around the urethra). Technically speaking, clitoral orgasm vaginal orgasm are the same, or at least, very similar. With that said, most people are unable to orgasm with vaginal penetration/stimulation alone. Most people, over 70%, need direct clitoral stimulation to orgasm. (This has been recorded in the Hite Report and other repeated reports).

Hubert - 23 January 23:31

Hi Lindsey. Just a quick note. You mention links in the description, but as I'm writing this I've noticed that there is no description available. I'm not super familiar with how youtube works, but there may be a box or something somewhere that is waiting to be checked to make the description visible. Just FYI.

Palmer - 9 May 06:30

No love for cuckqueans? Unexpectedly sexist of you.

Dilligard - 4 October 02:29

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