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Comments (5)

Urreta - 8 April 09:27

Reve vous homme dans son doux lits, Je suis ici terne quand je suis seul!

Cordes - 2 January 06:25

Ici plus insatiable prostituees: chic et mince poupées et petite putains.

Rosario - 16 September 05:30

Every human being has an inherent human right to all their body parts. Cutting into the genitals of children is a sick form of child abuse. People around the world are waking up to this sick violation of children and are speaking up for children's rigths to bodily integrity.

Lanell - 7 September 21:17

Wish i had been there to help

Bryon - 22 June 22:41

I wish they would have gotten him to stand up just so I could see his body. Honestly from what they showed he's a pretty good looking guy and I would have never guessed that he was born a woman.

Ronni - 25 April 10:04

what kind of fucked up table is that ? :)
